New Features
Training Quizzes: You can now add quizzes to a training. Quizzes are a series of questions and answers that are decoupled from lessons. You can use quizzes to assess your team's comprehension of learning materials. Quizzes come with a variety of features:
- Multiple questions/answers per quiz
- Unique grading requirements that are decoupled from the training's overall grade
- Ability to skip lessons based on the user's grade (ex: If a user achieves an 80%, they can skip lessons 1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Option to allow users to test out of training. You can create a quiz, place it at the beginning of a training, and set it up so if a user achieves a certain grade, the training is considered complete.
To see how quizzes work, checkout this short video we put together.
Training Results: With the introduction of quizzes, we've also added the ability for admins to see user training results. These results show both quiz and lesson results, as well as the ability to inspect each user's attempt at a quiz or training.

Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue where the create training modal often caused a loading error when first logging in
- We made improvements to our PDF generation, it should be slightly faster now
- Fixed a bug where the training catalog where some trainings were not selectable