Why Extending Your LMS to Mobile Devices is Crucial for Employee Training
July 31, 2023
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Employees are constantly on the move, and they expect access to training materials anytime and anywhere. Layer in remote work and the "on the move" aspect is even more a part of modern work.
This is where extending your Learning Management System (LMS) to mobile becomes an imperative. By allowing your employees to access training materials on their smartphones, you can provide them with flexibility, convenience, and a better learning experience. With Haekka, where users can take training in any Slack app, including mobile, our data shows that about 3 out of 4 users take training on mobile devices, most commonly iOS devices.
Here are some reasons why extending your LMS to mobile devices is crucial for employee training:
1. Flexibility
Extending your LMS to mobile devices provides your employees with the flexibility they need to access training materials on the go. Whether they are commuting to work, waiting in line, or taking a break, they can simply pull out their smartphones and complete training modules. This flexibility allows employees to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, resulting in a more engaged and motivated workforce.
2. Convenience
Mobile devices are always within reach, making them a convenient tool for accessing training materials. By extending your LMS to mobile devices, you can eliminate the need for employees to go to a specific location or sit in front of a computer to complete training. This convenience not only saves time but also increases the likelihood that employees will complete training modules.
3. Better Learning Experience
Extending your LMS to mobile devices can create a better learning experience for your employees. Mobile devices offer a variety of features, such as touch screens, cameras, and microphones, that can be leveraged to create interactive and engaging training modules. For example, you can use videos, animations, and gamification to make training more fun and effective.
4. Increased Engagement
Extending your LMS to mobile devices can also increase employee engagement. Mobile devices allow for social learning, where employees can collaborate and share ideas with their peers. This social aspect of learning can be enhanced through features such as discussion forums, chat rooms, and social media integration.
5. Cost-Effective
Extending your LMS to mobile devices can be a cost-effective solution for employee training. By providing training modules on mobile devices, you can eliminate the need for expensive classroom training and reduce travel costs. Additionally, you can save on printing costs by providing digital training materials.
6. Meeting Employees Where They Are
We constantly hear about "meeting employees where they are" when we talk to managers and learning leaders at prospects and companies. Meeting employees where they are means pushing the training and learning to them and not forcing them to be pulled into learning and training. This is an important distinction. Only by pushing learning to them, making it available when and where employees work, can you build a true culture of learning.
At Haekka, this is the fundamental idea behind building ans LMS that uses SaaS apps like Slack as the front end of learning. We literally push training into Slack so people can consume it conveniently. And our data shows that more than 3 out of 4 people think that mobile is the most convenient place to learn.
Extending your LMS to mobile devices is crucial for employee training. By providing your employees with flexibility, convenience, a better learning experience, increased engagement, and a cost-effective solution, you can create a more engaged, motivated, and skilled workforce.
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