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Using Dedicated Slack Channels to Compliment In-Person Training Sessions

October 24, 2023

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The below is the short version of this post on using Slack channels to compliment in-person training.

  • Create a dedicated Slack channel for each training session
  • Encourage pre-training discussion and questions
  • Share relevant resources and materials
  • Use the channel to clarify doubts during the training
  • Foster post-training discussions, feedback, and follow-ups
  • Keep channels active for ongoing learning and development
  • Track progress and measure success

Learning and development teams are continuously seeking innovative ways to enhance the effectiveness of their training programs. As organizations continue to embrace asynchronous collaboration tools, platforms like Slack have become integral to daily communications and collaboration. By leveraging the power of dedicated Slack channels, learning and development teams can complement in-person training sessions both before and after the event, creating a more enriching and engaging learning experience for participants.

Pre-Training: Building Anticipation and Engaging Participants

Create a Dedicated Slack Channel

Before the in-person training event, create a dedicated Slack channel for each training session. Invite all the participants and trainers to join the channel. This will serve as a central hub for all pre-training, during training, and post-training discussions and activities.

Encourage Pre-Training Discussion and Questions

Use the dedicated Slack channel to encourage participants to introduce themselves, share their expectations, and discuss any questions they may have about the upcoming training session. This will help build anticipation and excitement for the event and allow trainers to gauge the participants' level of interest and knowledge.

Share Relevant Resources and Materials

In addition to fostering discussion, the Slack channel can also be used to share relevant resources and materials with participants. This may include articles, videos, or other content related to the training topic. Encouraging participants to review these materials before the training session will help them arrive better prepared and more engaged.

During Training: Enhancing the Learning Experience

Use the Channel to Clarify Doubts

While in-person training sessions provide ample opportunities for participants to ask questions and clarify doubts, some may still feel hesitant to speak up during the session. The Slack channel can serve as an additional platform for participants to ask questions and seek clarification without interrupting the flow of the session. Trainers can monitor the channel and address any questions or concerns either during breaks or at the end of the session.

Foster Real-Time Collaboration

Depending on the nature of the training session, the dedicated Slack channel can also be used to facilitate real-time collaboration and problem-solving among participants. For instance, during group activities or case studies, participants can use the channel to discuss ideas, share resources, and collaborate on tasks.

Ask Questions without Interrupting

Additionally, participants can use the Slack channel to ask questions without interrupting the trainer's presentation. This ensures that all queries are addressed, while maintaining the overall flow and pace of the training session.

Post-Training: Sustaining Learning and Development

Foster Post-Training Discussions, Feedback, and Follow-Ups

Once the in-person training session has concluded, the dedicated Slack channel can be used to continue discussions, gather feedback, and follow up on any unresolved questions. This will help reinforce the key learnings from the session and provide additional opportunities to apply the knowledge gained.

Keep Channels Active for Ongoing Learning and Development

Rather than disbanding the Slack channel after the training session, keep it active as a resource for ongoing learning and development. Encourage participants to continue sharing articles, resources, and experiences related to the training topic. This will help maintain the momentum generated during the in-person session and promote a culture of continuous learning within your organization.

Track Progress and Measure Success

Finally, use the dedicated Slack channel to track participants' progress and measure the success of the training session. Encourage participants to share updates on how they have applied the knowledge and skills acquired during the training in their daily work, and celebrate their successes. This will not only help demonstrate the value of the training program but also motivate participants to continue their learning journey.


By utilizing dedicated Slack channels to complement in-person training sessions, learning and development teams can create a more engaging and effective learning experience for participants. From fostering pre-training discussions and sharing resources to facilitating post-training follow-ups and ongoing development, Slack channels can serve as a valuable tool in enhancing the overall impact of your training programs.

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